In our projects, we emphasize achieving the highest energy efficiency and accurate and detailed design. We present them in a modern form of object-oriented design – a 3D model. This makes our designs friendly to contractors, who have not only a few drawings, but also views of the installation from all sides, as well as any measurements and details of equipment and materials, available at the click of a button. A sample 3D design can be seen at this link.

Development of installation projects, usually refers to the solution selected in the Pre-design Analysis. Such documentation later constitutes the basis for pricing and the contract between the Investor and the Contractor.

We like to present our ideas in the most useful for investors form, namely executive projects. It is in them that we show specifically by what means to achieve the established goal, that is, the lowest heat and energy consumption in the building, while maintaining the highest comfort of use.

We specialize in designing advanced systems:

- Hybrid heating and cooling stations:

These advanced systems integrate different energy sources for more efficient heating and cooling, allowing for optimized energy consumption, improved system efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions.

- Energy management systems:

We implement customized heat metering for subsystems and diagnostics for anomalous energy consumption, which ranges from measuring the performance of key equipment to advanced system control with web-based control. [P1]

- Improving process cooling efficiency:

These are comprehensive services from inventorying systems at production lines, for example, to introducing hydraulic circuits with dynamic pressure balancing, to converting systems to variable-flow and cascade control of chillers. [P2]

- Control systems with remote access:

Enables remote control of hydraulic systems with dynamic pressure balancing and variable-flow pumps and heat consumers, and includes temperature sensors with dynamic flow control capability. [P3]

- Appliance heat recovery:

We utilize heat from chilled water chillers and other sources using advanced heating systems and heat exchangers in HVAC systems, which also includes controllable dampers, summer bypasses, and long-range ventilators. [G1]

- Heat recovery in manufacturing facilities:

Using advanced heating systems, heat pumps, recovering energy from selected locations and using heating loops and heat exchangers. This recovery provides an opportunity to disable or reduce the classical heat substation. [G2]

- Use of heat from compressors:

On the air side, includes control of dampers with differential automation, energy metering system with sub-metering (data available under EMS), and air supply in the hall outside the area of nuisance for people, ensuring optimal use of heat gains. [G3]

- Acquisition of cooling from city water:

Includes inventory of the hall’s cold water system, utilization of consumed water through a pre-exchanger and subcooling of heat on the return from the system, and integration with the chilled water circuit for hydraulic balancing. [C1]

Our Projects with Energy Management System

Our facility energy management system (applies to existing facilities) helps you achieve superior energy efficiency by monitoring energy consumption data and analyzing the economic impact of implemented projects. Read more about the EnobEMS system at this.

For an existing facility

For existing facilities, our goal is to optimize energy efficiency. The main recipients of our services are industrial facilities that, among their complex processes, have great potential for efficiency improvements. The process of increasing energy efficiency begins with an in-depth understanding of existing conditions, also using EnobEMS. We focus on precise diagnosis, followed by methodical elimination of inefficiencies. By making strategic investments up front, we maximize savings with minimal expenditures. Here are the key steps we follow to achieve significant improvements.

For new object

For newly designed buildings, our goal is to integrate maximum energy efficiency from the outset. The design process involves careful planning using advanced technologies, including 3D object-oriented design, to ensure that all building types meet the highest energy efficiency standards. We begin with a comprehensive project evaluation, focusing on innovative and cost-effective solutions. Here are the key steps we take to achieve significant improvements in energy efficiency in different types of projects:

Ready to improve your energy efficiency?

Feel free to contact us today to take advantage of our professional energy saving design and monitoring services. Instalpol will effectively reduce heat and energy consumption. Don’t delay – start your journey towards a more sustainable and economical building now!

Feel free to contact us!